What comes to mind when you think about the most popular cookie flavors: chocolate chip, peanut butter, snickerdoodle, sugar?
What about oatmeal raisin?
For centuries, a variation of this cookie has delighted people around the world. The first form came in the Middle Ages when the British and Scots made oatcakes. They would blend these cakes with raisins and nuts and give them to soldiers as a mid-battle energy snack. (Biscuit People)
The modern oatmeal cookie itself came from Fannie Farmer who published the first recipe in 1896. (Oregon Live) The cookie became popular when Quaker Oats put it on their packaging in the early 1900s. (National Day Calendar) From there, the sweet treat grew to be a staple snack in American society.
Even with this history, the oatmeal raisin cookie is a polarizing treat with equal amounts of staunch supporters and malicious critics.
Critics claim, "Why would you ever put raisins in something as good as cookies, especially when you have chocolate chips?" In rebuttal, defenders state that the perfect blend of cinnamon and oatmeal with the gummy raisin texture provides a great tasting treat. Some go as far as saying that only those with mature taste buds can enjoy the flavor.
Whether it is mature taste buds or something else, oatmeal raisin supporters are right when it comes to how flavorful and on-the-go the cookie can be. Those in a morning rush can grab the cookie on their way out and easily put it in a purse, travel bag, or lunchbox. For those who drink something in the morning, the treat nicely pairs with smoothies, coffee, and juice beverages.
The cookie is also great for convenience store, vending, and retail owners looking to sell a great snack to their customers. With an individual wrapper that keeps it from getting soggy or dried out, the cookie will maintain its freshness for 12 months on the shelf. Classic Cookie's soft oatmeal raisin cookie has great taste and is a big hit with consumers who are looking for more out of their snacks. With this, business owners can expect a fast-moving product with great margins.
While it still polarizes cookie lovers everywhere, the oatmeal raisin cookie deserves more respect than what it has faced. From having great flavor and a massive support group, Classic Cookie's new individually packaged cookie is one that consumers are demanding (many say it is the best oatmeal raisin cookie), and businesses will easily sell. Check the new cookie out for yourself today.
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